Hiring for growth can take months.

Three to six months, give or take.

Getting them ramped up... Well, that could ​take another sixty to ninety days.

That’s time your competitors are eating up ​your share of the market.

Scale Faster

Create Value

Preserve Capital

Minimal Modern Contour Buildable Circles
Minimal Modern Contour Buildable Circles

For the past 13 years I’ve been working with founders, ​marketers, and PE partners to find and optimize gaps ​in growth and sales programs.

What I do is simple: I pinpoint capital-efficient growth ​and sales outreach campaigns, put them to the test, ​iterate and optimize for results.

What would take a newly hired revenue-generating ​team member months, takes me weeks. That’s ​because I’ve done this before.

I have the playbooks, skills and intellect to ask the ​right questions, and scale high-performing growth ​strategies.

A fast, focused, repeatable process


First, we’ll clearly define your growth goals. Trying to establish product-market fit (PMF), securing funding or entering a new market all require a different approach. We’ll work together to get clear on your goals before building anything.


This is where we’ll dig deep into the data to find evidence to support being able to effectively achieve your goals.


Next, we’ll come up with the different levers or tactics we’ll launch to validate our hypotheses.

Start lean. Scale on demand.

Solid Star

Fractional Hourly




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On-demand campaign ​strategy and execution ​from a Growth Leader

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Access to playbooks and ​extended go-to-market ​resources

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Detailed reports with ​recommendations

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Drop Shadow

Fractional Monthly




Everything included

in hourly package

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Perfect for companies who ​require full-time monthly ​strategy and execution ​support

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Drop Shadow

Let’s Connect!